
RTI Act 
 / District wise Buffer Godowns and their capacities
 Tenders Evaluation Status
Paddy Procurement System
Public Distribution Systems
Stock Allocations system (ePDS) 
Supply Chain Mangement (SCM)     System 
Electronic point of system (ePOS)
Deepam Scheme
Vechicle Tracking System
Monitoring of Stage-I & Stage-II Truck Movements thorugh GPS.   
Decentralized Procurement (DCP) Paddy & Rice
DCP(PPT File Format)
Mana Biyyam
Important Guidelines
DCP- Operational Guidelines- KMs 2018-19
Procurement policy for KMS 2018-19
Procurement policy for KMS 2017-18
Procurement Policy for KMS 2013-14
Operational Guidelines for Paddy
Model Agreement for Custom Milling Of Paddy
Integrated Electronic Solution to PDS Management
Power Point Presentation
Detailed Note
Committee Proceedings
Sub-Committee Proceedings



Circular No. Subject
104 Instructions on payment of hamali charges
103 Instructions on Purchase of Sona Masuri/BPT varieties of paddy
102 Instructions on Procurement of Paddy for Rabi 2011-12
101 Procurement of paddy during KMS 2011-12 – Clarification on Hamali charges - Reg.
100 Purchase of paddy in KMS 2011-12 . Permission given by the Government of India for utilizitation of left over paddy gunnies for delivery of CMR . Reg.
99 Request to take up the prophylactic treatment for pest control in the godowns- instructions issued- Reg.
98 Procurement of paddy during KMS 2011-12 . Clarification on Hamali charges - Reg.
97 Procurement of Paddy under MSP operations for KMS 2011-12 - Instructions issued - Reg.
96 Furnishing of details for preparation of claims to be submitted to the Government of India for fixation of final CMR rates for the KMS 2009-10 . Reg.
95 MSP operations of paddy for the KMS 2011-12 .Preparedness . Instructions issued . Reg.
94 Transportation of gunnies from Jute mills located in AP . Request to make arrangements for lifting and transportation of gunnies from Jute Mills . Reg.
93 Availability of gunnies after completion of Rabi 2010-11 transactions as on 31.08.2011 . Submission of information and physical closing balance - Certificate - Reg
92 Procurement of Paddy through IKP Groups - Quantitative and Financial Reconciliation of Paddy Accounts and Gunny Accounts . Payment of IKP Commissions - Reg.
90 Supply of essential commodities on economy Prices to the Welfare Hostels/Residential Educational Institutions by APSCSCL .Instructions along with costing sheet . Issued . Reg.
89 Revision of transportation rates for movement of paddy by State Agencies and delivery of CMR of state Agencies and FCI for the period from 01.01.2009 to 30.09.2011 during KMS 2009-10 and KMS 2010-11 . Instructions issued - Reg.
88 Preservation of empty new / OUG in scientific methods to protect from the damages .instructions issued - Reg.
84 Procurement of paddy under MSP operations . Heavy arrivals of paddy . Shifting of paddy to Rice Mills and intermediary godowns - Instruction issued . Reg.
83 Rabi 2010 . 11 . Paddy procurement operations Certain instructions issued . Reg.
82 KMS 2010-11 . Purchase of Paddy during Rabi season 2010-11 opening of .Control Room. in DMO to monitor the paddy purchasing operations furnishing of information on day to day basis . Instructions issued
81 KMS 2010-11 - Center wise closing balances of new empty gunnies as on 31.03.2011 after completion of Khariff purchases . Furnishing of CB certificate.
80 Procurement of paddy under MSP during KMS 2010-2011 (Rabi) . payment of paddy cost to the farmers . Instructions issued - Reg.
79 Procurement of paddy under MSP during KMS 2010-2011 (Rabi) - Instructions . Issued.
77 Paddy damaged due to rains in November & December 2010-Purchase of damaged Paddy by the Corporation under URS specifications-Certain guidelines issued.
76 Distribution of Redgram dall under PDS -PDS issue price and scale of distribution revised w.e.f. 01-12-2010 - Certain instructions issued-Reg.
75 Procurement of Paddy under MSP during KMS 2010-11 - Instructions issued - Reg.
74 Districbution of imported RBD Palmolien Oil to the BPL families at subsidized rates through Fair price shops under GOI Subsidy scheme 2009-10-Lifting of imported RBD P.Oil from Krishnapatnam port to the districts of Zone X & XI - Instructions Issued -Reg
72 Procurement of paddy under MSP during KMS 2009-2010 (Rabi) - Instructions . Issued.
71 Procurement of Paddy under MSP during KMS 2009-10 - Instructions issued.
68 Procurement of Redgra dall through Tenders for distribution under subsidised rate -Stocks purchased from others States -Clarification on VAT -Reg.
67 Procurement of paddy under MSP during KMS 2008-2009 - Declaration of Trading Rice Mills as Paddy Storage Points . Payment of Custodian and Maintenance Charges . Instructions.
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