
RTI Act 
 / District wise Buffer Godowns and their capacities
 Tenders Evaluation Status
Paddy Procurement System
Public Distribution Systems
Stock Allocations system (ePDS) 
Supply Chain Mangement (SCM)     System 
Electronic point of system (ePOS)
Deepam Scheme
Vechicle Tracking System
Monitoring of Stage-I & Stage-II Truck Movements thorugh GPS.   
Decentralized Procurement (DCP) Paddy & Rice
DCP(PPT File Format)
Mana Biyyam
Important Guidelines
DCP- Operational Guidelines- KMs 2018-19
Procurement policy for KMS 2018-19
Procurement policy for KMS 2017-18
Procurement Policy for KMS 2013-14
Operational Guidelines for Paddy
Model Agreement for Custom Milling Of Paddy
Integrated Electronic Solution to PDS Management
Power Point Presentation
Detailed Note
Committee Proceedings
Sub-Committee Proceedings



Circular No. Subject
165 Colour coding of Gunny bags to facilitate identification of crop yearof stock for KMS 2015-16
164 TSCSCL-MKTG&PDS Court Cases-Sri A.Jgan,Advocate,Hyderabad as Standing Counsel for Telangana State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., in Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana-Reg.
163 GOI Orders on discontinue of blue strip in the middle of the jute bags
162 Permission to utilize left over new Gunny bags of KMS 2013-14 for CMR deliveries of KMS 2014-15-reg.
161 Permission to utilize left over new Gunny bags of KMS 2012-13 for CMR deliveries of KMS 2013-14-reg.
160 Procurement Prices for Levy Rice during KMS 2014-15
159 Payment of Commission to SHGs
158 Procurement Policy of Paddy and Rice for Kharif Marketing Season 2014-15-Orders - Issued
157 Provisional Rates of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) for KMS 2014-15
156 Procurement of paddy under MSP Operations during KMS 2014-15-Payment of Hamali Charges-Reg.
155 Purchase of gunnies from DGS & D-Arrangements for lifting and transportation of gunnies from Jute Mills to the Districts of Telangana - Reg.
154 Procurement of Paddy under MSP for Khariff 2014-15-Preparedness-Instructions issued-Reg.
153 Procurement of Paddy under MSP for Rabi 2013-14-Preparedness-Instructions issued -Reg.
152 Purchase of Preferred varieties of Paddy during KMS 2013-14 - Instructions - Reg
151 Measures to be taken while issuing Paddy to designated Rice millers for Custom Milling.
150 Procurement Prices for Levyrice during KMS 2013-14
149 Provisional Rates of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) for KMS 2013-14
148 De-linking of Commission to Corporative Societies / Self help groups fro minimum support price (MSP) - Orders of GOI
147 Procurement of URS Paddy in respect of Srikakulam ,East Godavri,West Godavari and Krishna Districts - Certain guidelines issued.
146 Khariff 2013-14 - URS Paddy Procurement in Karimnagar,Warangal and Nalgonda districts - Instructions - Reg
145 Procurement of Paddy under MSP Operations during KMS 2013-14 -Payment of Hamali charges -reg.
144 Procurement of Paddy under MSP-Delivery of CMR(Boiled) by Millers-Furnishing of claims to FCI and realization of amount-Issue of instructions-Reg
143 Inter district movement of raw rice by rail- certain instructions/guidelines -Reg.
142 Procurement Policy for KMS 2013-14-Decentralised Procurement-Acceptance of raw rice under levy and CMR by APSCSCL-Reg
142 Marketing Register/Records for Procurement and Preservation activities under DCP for KMS 2013-14-Reg
141 Insurance Coverage for the Stocks Kept in CSC own/hired godowns in the state for the year 2013-14.
140 Precautionary measurers for safety of stocks kept in own/ hired godowns
138 Rent Fixation/enhancement of Private and AMC Godowns-G.O Ms No.63 dated:18.04.2011
137 Procurement of Paddy under MSP during KMS 2012-13-Custom milling of paddy-GOI instructions on CMR deliveries-Reg
136 Utilization of paddy released jute bags which have been used only once for procurement of paddy-issue of guidelines
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