CNo |
Subject |
42 |
Implementation of supply of chain Management for distribution of essential commodities -instructions -Reg |
41 |
Sugar Movement-Sugar Movement Plan for April-2006-Reg. |
39 |
Sugar Movement-Sugar Movement Plan for March-2006-Reg. |
33 |
Sugar Movement-Sugar Movement Plan for February-2006-Reg. |
32 |
LEVY SUGAR-Price Determination Order for 2005-2006 sugar season w.e.f 17.11.2005-Payment of cost-Orders-Isued. |
28 |
Movement of A.P. rice and Ex.north rice Movement plan-Certain instructions issued on DESTINATION POINT planning-Reg. |
25 |
Lapses in the transportation of Essential Commodities from MLS Point to FP Shops-Guide lines reiterated-TWO ACTION POINTS DAILY Regarding. |
17 |
PDS-LEVY SUGAR-District-wise Review of lifting of levy sugar for the Month of August 2005-Incorporation of priority in the Movement Orders being issued by the Dist.Managers-Reg. |
15 |
Sugar Movement -Sugar Movement Plan Phase-I for September 2005-Reg. |
14 |
Review of judgement in CC No.189 of 2003 in the court of I Addl.Judicial Magistrate of First Class,Khammam-Certain instructions issued-reg. |
11 |
Observations made by Regional Director (S&R) QCC,Hyderabad-certain guidelines to be observed -Regarding |
9 |
Certain guidelines for issue of Release Orders under SGRY FFW schemes by Stage II transportation -Need for planning and coordination -Reg. |
8 |
Certain guidelines for Stage II Movement of Rice one route Offiecer for each Route-Instructions issued -Regarding. |
2 |
Circular 2 |