Circular No. |
Subject |
195 |
Latest dt:24-04-2019 - Fixation of the Provisonal rates of custom milled rice(CMR) and cost of new 50kg guny bags used by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the central pool and for DCP Scheme during the kharif marketing seasons 2018-19. |
194 |
Revised-Fixation of the Provisonal rates of custom milled rice(CMR) and cost of new 50kg guny bags used by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the central pool and for DCP Scheme during the kharif marketing seasons 2018-19. |
193 |
Procurement Policy for KMS 2018-19--De-centralized Procurement--Acceptance of Raw Rice under CMR-Operational guidelines by APSCSCL. |
192 |
Fixation of the Provisonal rates of custom milled rice(CMR) and cost of new 50kg guny bags used by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the central pool and for DCP Scheme during the kharif marketing seasons 2018-19. |
191 |
Procurement policy of Paddy and Rice for KMS 2018-19. |
190 |
Procurement policy of Paddy and Rice for KMS 2017-18. |
189 |
APSCSCL-Marketing-Procurement of paddy under MSP for KMS 2016-17 Delivery of paddy for custom milling against Bank Guarantee-Certain instructions-Reg. |
188 |
APSCSCL-Procurement Policy of Paddy and Rice for Kharif Marketing Season 2016-17. |
187 |
APSCSCL-Provisional Rates of Custom Milled Rice(CMR) for 2016-17 |
186 |
APSCSCL-Marketing-MSP-Oaddy procurement-Payment of 1% driage charge to the designated rice mills w.e.f KMS 2015-16 - Procure to be adopted-Reg. |
185 |
APSCSCL-Marketing-Procurement of Paddy under MSP-Guidelines on CMR deliveries,Collection of CMR acknowledgements from depots,claiming of CMR billswith FCI and its realisation in time-Reg. |
184 |
Civil Supplies - Consignee end Inspection of Jute Bags - Regarding.--TS Unit |
183 |
Guidelines & Instructions for KMS 2015-16 |
182 |
Advance copy of Circular guidelines for Rabi 2015-16 |
181 |
Permission to utilize leftover new gunnies of KMS 2014-15 for CMR deliveries of KMS 2015-16-Reg. |
180 |
Provisional rates of custom milled rice (CMR) and the economic cost for DCP scheme for KMS 2015-16. |
179 |
Inter district movement of paddy from surplus to deficit districts for custom milling during KMS 2015-16 - Orders issued |
178 |
Partial amendment in Principles regarding payment of gunny depreciation being allowed for use of new and once used gunny bags. |
177 |
RMS 2016-17-Scheme for State-Wise colour coding of gunny bags - Minutes of Meeting held on 18.12.2015-Communicated-Reg |
176 |
Introduction of 580 gms B-Twill Jute bags |
175 |
APSCSCL-Marketing-Khariff 2015-16-Damage of paddy due to Cyclone & heavy rains in Krishna District-Procurement of Paddy and Rice under relaxed specifications-Certain guidelines-issued-Reg. |
174 |
Marketing Khariff 2015-16-Damage of paddy due to cyclone in the Districts of East Godavari & West Godavari -Procurement of paddy -under relaxed Specifications -Reg |
173 |
Colour Coding of Gunny Bags to facilitate identification of crop year of stock for RMS 2016-2017 - Reg. |
172 |
Temporary relaxation of BIS License in supply of jute bags through DGS&D - regarding |
171 |
DCP(MKTG)-CS- Execution of MOU with Government of Andhra Pradesh for undertaking Decentralized Procurement of Paddy/Rice for KMS 2015-16 onwards - Reg. |
170 |
CS-Handbook of Guidelines for Submission of Final Claims of Procurement Incidentals/Economics Cost bt the State Governments - Reg. |
169 |
Procedure for Submission of Accounts audited by auditors appointed by C&AG bt Sate Govts in order to finalise procuremnt incidentials of State Agencies and Economic cost of rice,wheat and coarse grains for the past years -Reg. |
168 |
APSCSCL-CS-Uniform Specifications of Paddy,Rice & Coarse Grains for the Khariff Marketing Season (KMS) 2015-16 - Reg. |
167 |
Permission to use leftover new gunny bags for year KMS 2015-16.--Reg |
166 |
Proc-Withheld amounts against CMR deliveries from 2010-1 to 2014-15 - Guide lines for clearing withheld bills -Information/reasons for withheld amount sought for -Reg. |